Happy almost Beltane (May Day) and welcome to the Santa Chani: a simple and accessible ritual for spreading abundance with the money you spend, using basic ingredients from your pantry!
Falling opposite Samhain (Halloween) on the wheel of the year, Beltane is one of two annual moments when the veil between worlds is thinnest and spirits may make their presence known.
Historically, Beltane is a festival of life, fertility, and abundance and a great time to focus on creativity, prosperity, inspired action, and confidence.
More recently, Beltane invites us to recalibrate our energy, reflect on what is ready to be composted, and plant seeds for a new, more balanced future—in which we discard the scarcity capitalist mentality and embrace an ABUNDANCE FOR ALL agenda.
In capitalist Western culture, how we spend our money is the most powerful expression of our intention, our integrity, and our values—what we really care about and who we are, essentially.
The brutal reality is that our financial habits are a POLITICAL STANCE.
I’m a poet and not a financial planner—meaning anytime I sit down to “work” I’m basically losing money. So this ritual isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme and it’s not going to improve your financial literacy.
It will, however, invite you to grow a new relationship with the money you spend—one infused with joy, generosity, love and the delicious scent of peppermint—so your money literally smells like Santa Claus!
Hence SANTA.
But why the Santa Chani?
The moniker does just roll off your tongue—try saying it out loud: Santa Chani.
More importantly, radical astrologer Chani Nicholas recently announced that her agenda is ABUNDANCE FOR ALL—articulating astrology through that lens, and using her platform as an influential astrologer to act towards that kind of potential and future.
In her April 15th, 2024 Astrology of the Week Ahead podcast episode, Chani talks about how we’ve been getting growth, wealth, and abundance all wrong, as being an endless exponential and impossible state of being—to IPO at a billion, to be the first trillionaire, aspiring to whatever is outlandish, egregious, and unattainable for most people.
Chani advocates for practicing abundance and generativity outside the system, for investing in the incredible abundance of sharing what we have, about the wealth of making sure that everyone around us id fed and housed and educated and loved and taken care of.
This Beltane, I invite you to join me in the Santa Chani in this spirit of radical ABUNDANCE FOR ALL!!!
Workout Overview
I’ve helpfully chunked this Abundance For All Workout into three 20-minute steps, which I encourage you to space out however you like leading up to June 21:
Gathering the ingredients.
Supercharging the dollar bills with the power of ABUNDANCE FOR ALL.
Releasing the energy generated by your intention out into the world.
Though, of course, carving out 20 minutes a day to flex your ABUNDANCE muscle is ALWAYS a good idea.
This workout could become a welcome companion when you wake up in the morning, or just before bed! However you schedule it into the fabric of your life, I encourage you to treat it like an appointment with yourself. See what happens when aligning yourself with your innate capacity for generosity becomes a daily habit.
See how you change.
See how the world changes.
And remember, if you’re short on time or an ingredient, it’s okay to skip it or to substitute or really just spin the whole thing in a direction that feels even better for you.
This workout is just a jumping off point.
All of my instructions are 100% customizable.
Every ingredient is optional and you can improvise with what’s available.
Step #1: a Magical Treasure Hunt
Start this step TODAY, so you are prepared when Beltane rolls around on Wednesday.
As you gather your ingredients, you are on a magical treasure hunt, powering up both yourself and the world around you. Source ingredients with intention and generosity. Be intentional about remaining in a state of gratitude, and experiencing the world through a lens of ABUNDANCE FOR ALL.
an orange
5 sticks of cinnamon or cinnamon chips
5 basil leaves
5 cloves
5 coffee beans
5 pieces of your favorite candy
peppermint oil
a black or white candle and a yellow candle
an assortment of dollar bills of any denomination, though five $5 bills would give this special an extra magical boost!
toilet paper
a postcard (or Post-It note or index card)
something to write with
the 9 of Cups, the Empress, and the 9, 10 and King of Pentacles (optional)
Spiritual Correspondences
Five = abundance, love, money
Orange = prosperity, wealth, abundance, conquering fears, joy, positivity, strength, optimism, hope for trying times. Orange declares “I am fertile, available, and desirable.”
Cinnamon = abundance, money, love, success, wealth
Basil = prosperity and cleansing
Cloves = activate the other ingredients
Coffee = overcomes internal blocks and speeds up the spell
Candy = sweetens, bringing a celebratory mood
Peppermint = financial gain and sharpened focus
White/black = removal of negative energy and obstacles
Yellow = abundance, joy, happiness and the power of persuasion
Green = growth, rebirth, health, hope, overall wellbeing, transformation and new beginnings
Tarot Symbolism
I’m delighted to feature artwork from the Drowning World Tarot and text from the Next World Tarot. Both are visionary approaches to the ancient spiritual technology that is the Tarot!
Often called the “wish come true” card in the tarot, the 9 of Cups signifies a fulfillment of desires, sensory pleasures, and celebrations and enjoyment. When paired with other financially positive cards, the 9 of Cups can indicate material blessings as well as emotional.
“The 9 of Cups reminds us of the glitter that accented our darkest nights, and the lights at the ends of every harrowing tunnel. The 9 of Cups is a stellar machine, working hard to survive independently, and allowing herself to indulge in the luxuries that she only dreamt of before this time.”
~ Cristy C. Roads ~ Next World Tarot
The Empress is associated with motherhood, fertility, creativity, nurturing, and abundance.
“The Empress wants you to feel fierce, wild, and beyond your dreams. Now begins the challenge to fortify your heart, in order to give and receive love to its fullest extent.”
~ Cristy C. Roads ~ Next World Tarot
The 9 of Pentacles represents self-sufficiency, and enjoying the fruits of your labor.
“The 9 of Pentacles asks you to own your work, define your privileges, and slowly combine them in order to practice the kind of self-sufficiency that results in patience and generosity.”
~ Cristy C. Roads ~ Next World Tarot
The 10 of Pentacles represents long-term financial stability, wealth, communal abundance, and comfortable lifestyle.
“The 10 of Pentacles is your higher self paving space for prosperity, designed by your own terms.
The 10 of Pentacles defines wealth and success by her personal power, the community that holds her, and her endless drive to achieve greatness. The 10 of Pentacles is the culmination of your work, and a redefinition of success. She asks you to grapple with the ownership of yourself and fully experience joy in times of abundance. She asks you to share your gifts and redistribute power in times of scarcity.”
~ Cristy C. Roads ~ Next World Tarot
The King of Pentacles is often associated with practical decision making and long term financial growth. More importantly, this King invites you to believe that you are your own greatest resource! You can take a hands-on approach to creating your own fortune and create a life and work style that fits your personality, your personal culture. You, too, can become the architect, the artist, and builder of your own life!
You, too, are a triple threat with a heart of gold!
You, too, have the ability to navigate change, silence, and freedom!
You, too, can forgive yourself for the journey you are on, jubilantly accept your mega-fortunate destiny and share the fruits of your labor!
You, too, can overcome life’s challenges and encourage others to do the same—while still questioning how do I define success, where does that definition come from, and how can I revise it to make it more true?
Step #2 | Supercharging Dollar Bills with the Power of ABUNDANCE FOR ALL
Place 5 orange slices, 5 sticks of cinnamon, 5 basil leaves, 5 cloves, 5 coffee beans, and 5 pieces of candy in a bowl.
Anoint the dollar bills with peppermint oil and place on top.
Light the black or white candle and set it on the left side of the bowl.
Set a 5-minute timer.
On the toilet paper, list all of your fears and insecurities about money, all of the stories you have been told about wealth that don’t serve you. Write wildly, like a child, physically purging your body of all of the unhealthy narratives you’ve stored up about wealth and abundance.
Flush the toilet paper.
Light the yellow candle and set it on the right side of the bowl.
Set a 5-minute timer.
On the postcard (or Post-It or index card), list everyone in your life who exemplifies ABUNDANCE FOR ALL, all of the ways you have received abundance, generosity, and joy.
Affix the postcard to your fridge or a bathroom mirror.
Light the green candle and set it above the bowl.
Set a 5-minute timer and visualize the money in the bowl creating more money with each hand it touches. Physically visualize the hands, watch the money growing as it passes from hand to hand, doubling then quadrupling then increasing tenfold. Now visualize the money moving spiralically, not away from you or towards you but creating a kind of pepperminty energetic field full of generosity, joy, and abundance.
Step #3 | Releasing the Energy of ABUNDANCE FOR ALL
Keep the dollar bills with you—ideally in your right pocket—and spend them when the time comes.
As you spend each dollar bill, recite this mantra “I release abundance to the next and return it to me with much success.”
Trust that the magic is working in the background, and pay attention for evidence of its effects.
Keep in mind that the worst you can expect to receive is… nothing!
Like a firecracker that fizzles, or a poem you never publish, this Detox Ritual just becomes a part of the process of focusing clearly and positively on our goals, taking action to allow for synchronicities (elegant connections and doorways to understanding the relationship between the psyche, a more collective consciousness, and the neverending, generative universe), and trusting spiritual to align circumstances on a timeline that is right.
You can access the rest of my alchemical FLOSS rituals here on Substack.
Please join me: in reclaiming the power that is RIGHTFULLY YOURS!
xxxO, Dr. MLE | Beach Witch
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Order a Tarot RX: a six-card reading that includes a Major Arcana card to help you to set an intention/make a commitment, followed by five Minor Arcana that translate into a five-step formula for translating your intention/commitment into ACTION! You’ll receive a digital file with your Tarot RX and pictures of the cards from my favorite Tarot decks, along with a brief meditation and instructions for maximizing your results.
Contact the Tarot Hotline, and order a voice memo to clarify a Tarot spread you’ve done for yourself or someone else. Simply send me a picture of a Tarot spread you’ve done for yourself or someone else, and I’ll send you a 20-minute voice memo interpretation of the messages I see.
Ask a question and get some of the World’s Best Bad Advice. Send me whatever’s on your mind, I will spin Carrie Do Wrong’s Wheel of Misfortune, and divine the BEST BAD ADVICE for your predicament. No question to large or too small! Simply send me your question, and I’ll send you a short answer and the corresponding Tarot card.