Happy Beltane, babes! It’s time to celebrate, and prepare for some grounding energy and new beginnings and on May 7!
The new moon in Taurus comes supercharged with Taurus power because there are five luminaries hanging out in this steadfast sign. This new moon’s cosmic agenda is all about planting seeds—literally and figuratively. Kicking off at 11:21 AM ET/8:21 AM PT, this is the perfect moment to start new projects, especially those that bring more stability and comfort into your life.
Taurus is all about the senses, urging us to slow down, tend to our bodies, and re-connect with our animal selves. Taurus season is a time for MAKING A COMMITMENT and STICKING TO IT! So I’m interrupting my regular Soul FLOSS programming to spotlight a Soul SAUCE FITNESS CHALLENGE!
Image from Chani Nicholas’ What It Means To Have Taurus Placements.
the AB FAB | a 30 Day CORE + MORE Challenge
Need some more support making your body a priority?
Strategies for prioritizing your health, happiness, and well-being?
Accountability, camaraderie, and workout buddies?
We all do!
In honor of Beltane—a day when we celebrate fertility, life, and abundance—and in anticipation of the super sensual new moon in Taurus—I'm delighted to share my AB FAB 30 Day, 9 minutes (or less) CORE + MORE Challenge!
Each routine features fresh takes on 3 classic core moves, with 3 rounds of work, all in 9 minutes or less and guaranteed to dig deep into core strength you didn’t know you had!
These mini workouts will work all the way around your core, incorporating your abs, lower back, glutes, quads, shoulders, and more and growing the POSTURE YOU NEED FOR LIFE!
You’ll trim your waistline, flatten your abdominal wall, lift and round your butt, tune inward, flush out toxins, and boost your mood.
Along the way, you’ll get some fitness inspiration and learn how to use simple props like the wall and a yoga block (or light book or canned good) to next level the moves you’ve been doing on the mat.
I’ve packaged the entire 30-day challenge into an “industry-standard” eLearning course that alchemically blends the best of my background as a joyous revolutionary arts educator, learning experience designer, and fitness coach!
You can also take a less structured, more personalized, mix-and-match approach via my AB FAB Youtube Playlist.
Click either link to learn more—and dig deep into core strength you didn’t know you had, building both physical and mental resilience and resolve along the way!
HINT: Try setting an AB FAB reminder alarm to pre-schedule these galvanizing, totally Taurus mini workouts into your daily routine.
Why join me for the AB FAB?
Because when we CHOOSE a CHALLENGE and TACKLE it, we build the resolve we need FOR LIFE!
There's significant scientific research that shows exercise gives us a mental boost, improving not just our health but also our mood, memory, creative output, and cognitive functioning.
I host live, virtual AB FAB challenges four times a year. Message me for more information and to get the live link.
You can request information about quarterly live AB FAB challenges, share your success stories, ask for help, and/or learn more about my other wellness challenges and alchemical workouts!
In the meantime, you can get started here with 31 days of prerecorded workouts!
Why the AB FAB?
I brainstormed and discarded dozens of titles for this galvanizing fitness challenge.
Ultimately, I was inspired by the FAT episode of Absolutely Fabulous, in which Edina Monsoon embarks a series of increasingly desperate ploys to lose weight before reconnecting with Penny Casper-Morse, a stick-thin model from Eddie's 1960s past. When Eddy's attempts at crash-dieting, overtraining, and over-medicating fail, she resorts to—but ultimately can't follow through with—liposuction.
But there's good news! Penny arrives temporarily blinded and won't know how much Eddy weighs.
But then Eddie gets in her own way (still) (again): emboldened and drunk, Eddy brags how successful and thin she has become, and inadvertently grabs Penny's hands and places them on her waist, destroying the ruse.
What's my point: fitness can be a FUN, ACCESSIBLE, INVIGORATING part of our daily routines.
Hence: the AB FAB Challenge. All you need is 9 minutes or less to grow the core strength you need for life. I guarantee you'll leave this challenge feeling stronger, happier, and more confident—supercharged with the steady, solid, grounded, super practical energy of Taurus!
That’s all for now, babes!
You can access the rest of my alchemical FLOSS rituals here on Substack, and all of my transformative SAUCE workouts on Youtube.
Please join me: in reclaiming the power that is RIGHTFULLY YOURS!
xxxO, Dr. MLE | Beach Witch
The work and research I put into this Soul Sauce + Floss are entirely reader-supported. If you enjoy the content I provide and are not ready to become a paid subscriber, you make a one-time tip. If you can. I appreciate each one of you who follows Soul SAUCE + FLOSS. You all truly make it into a magical little online community. Thank You.
Order a Tarot RX: a six-card reading that includes a Major Arcana card to help you to set an intention/make a commitment, followed by five Minor Arcana that translate into a five-step formula for translating your intention/commitment into ACTION! You’ll receive a digital file with your Tarot RX and pictures of the cards from my favorite Tarot decks, along with a brief meditation and instructions for maximizing your results.
Contact the Tarot Hotline, and order a voice memo to clarify a Tarot spread you’ve done for yourself or someone else. Simply send me a picture of a Tarot spread you’ve done for yourself or someone else, and I’ll send you a 20-minute voice memo interpretation of the messages I see.
Ask a question and get some of the World’s Best Bad Advice. Send me whatever’s on your mind, I will spin Carrie Do Wrong’s Wheel of Misfortune, and divine the BEST BAD ADVICE for your predicament. No question to large or too small! Simply send me your question, and I’ll send you a short answer and the corresponding Tarot card.