Welcome to the Tail End of Eclipse Season!
Tomorrow’s solar eclipse in Libra (2:49 pm ET/11:49 am PT) is guaranteed to SHAKE THINGS UP, so why not get ahead of all the upheaval and SWEAT IT OUT?!?!
As revolutionary astrologer Chani Nicholas explains:
“Eclipses are celestial wild cards: They have a reputation for causing shake-ups, precipitating fateful encounters, and putting us in contact with personal and collective shadow material. In other words, they can be bumpy rides—but they can also accelerate our healing and growth. This lunation occurs near the South Node of the Moon—a point in space that represents shedding and release. The ancients mythologized the South Node as the swishing tail of a hungry dragon. This eclipse is meant to lighten your load by sloughing off your old, scaly skin — though the experience may be uncomfortable in the moment.”
Sweat Your Shadows Out
As a professional coach and your FITNESS BESTIE, I like to literally lighten my load—by sweating out the mixed emotions, ragged edges, misplaced memories, and other icky stuff eclipse season stirs up.
Working out isn’t an escape; it’s an opportunity to FLUSH your system, boost your mood, tackle a challenge, and grow PHYSICAL and MENTAL resilience. As renowned choreographer Twyla Tharpe explains: when you stimulate your body, your brain comes alive, too.
Physical activity primes us for creative leaps and cognitive feats—while burning calories, building strength, and growing cardiovascular capacity.
Let’s shake our stress away—like athletes do!
Tri Set Tabatas
Tri-Set Tabatas are my ALL TIME FAV workout modality.
Tabata means short, intense, efficient intervals (30 seconds) and Tri-Set means three moves, alchemically paired to maximize output and calorie burn!
Each 25-minute Tri-Set Tabata routine is guaranteed to:
Boost your metabolism and your mood!
Grow functional core strength!
Leave you feeling stronger, happier, and more confident—ready to tackle life’s challenges!
Think Vitamin B shot for the mind, body, and soul!
All you need is:
Your best attitude!
An energizing playlist—or one of my ALL TIME FAVS, like:
“Feathered Mullet”
“No Bad Days”
“Party Animal”
Tri-Set Tabata #1
This workout features 3 Tri-Sets choreographed using my SPECIAL SAUCE formula: LOWER BODY, TOTAL BODY, CORE.
And some of my ALL TIME FAV fitness moves, like the pop squat, the inchworm, and the bear crawl.
Tri-Set Tabata #2
This workout features 4 Tri-Sets choreographed using another SPECIAL SAUCE formula: STRENGTH, LOWER-BODY CARDIO, REACTIVE CORE CARDIO, and CORE.
And some of my ALL TIME FAV fitness moves, like the Double Heisman and the Surfer Spreed Sprawl.
However you go about navigating tomorrow’s Eclipse, I invite you to do everything you can to connect with your intuition—whether that’s working out Tabata style, journaling, pulling Tarot cards, free-writing, meditation, yoga, drinking champagne with your besties, traipsing in an autumnal harvest field, and/or being in nature or near a body of water.
That’s all for now, babes!
You can access the rest of my transformative Soul SAUCE workouts on Youtube and all of my alchemical Soul FLOSS rituals here on Substack.
xxxO, Dr. MLE | Beach Witch
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Order a Tarot RX: a six-card reading that includes a Major Arcana card to help you to set an intention/make a commitment, followed by five Minor Arcana that translate into a five-step formula for translating your intention/commitment into ACTION! You’ll receive a digital file with your Tarot RX and pictures of the cards from my favorite Tarot decks, along with a brief meditation and instructions for maximizing your results.
Contact the Tarot Hotline, and order a voice memo to clarify a Tarot spread you’ve done for yourself or someone else. Simply send me a picture of a Tarot spread you’ve done for yourself or someone else, and I’ll send you a 20-minute voice memo interpretation of the messages I see.
Ask a question and get some of the World’s Best Bad Advice. Send me whatever’s on your mind, I will spin Carrie Do Wrong’s Wheel of Misfortune, and divine the BEST BAD ADVICE for your predicament. No question to large or too small! Simply send me your question, and I’ll send you a short answer and the corresponding Tarot card.