Welcome to Dr. MLE’s Wall Stretch Challenge!
I dare you to take 15 minutes to tune into your breathe, release stress and boost your mood!
This calming series of wall-supported yoga postures will open up your entire body, flush out lactic acid, stress, and other toxins, and reset your nervous system.
Think Vitamin B shot for the mind, body, and soul!
This video features four of my ALL TIME FAV wall poses—wall frog, wall butterfly, and supine spinal twist—and one of my ALL TIME favorite meditation soundtracks—“Listen” by the inimitable Alan Watts.
I challenge you to tune in, unwind, and CHILL OUT.
That’s all for now, babes!
You can access the rest of my transformative Soul SAUCE workouts on Youtube and all of my alchemical Soul FLOSS rituals here on Substack.
xxxO, Dr. MLE | Beach Witch
The work and research I put into this Soul Sauce + Floss are entirely reader-supported. If you enjoy the content I provide and are not ready to become a paid subscriber, you make a one-time tip. If you can. I appreciate each one of you who follows Soul SAUCE + FLOSS. Thank You.
Order a Tarot RX: a six-card reading that includes a Major Arcana card to help you to set an intention/make a commitment, followed by five Minor Arcana that translate into a five-step formula for translating your intention/commitment into ACTION! You’ll receive a digital file with your Tarot RX and pictures of the cards from my favorite Tarot decks, along with a brief meditation and instructions for maximizing your results.
Contact the Tarot Hotline, and order a voice memo to clarify a Tarot spread you’ve done for yourself or someone else. Simply send me a picture of a Tarot spread you’ve done for yourself or someone else, and I’ll send you a 20-minute voice memo interpretation of the messages I see.
Ask a question and get some of the World’s Best Bad Advice. Send me whatever’s on your mind, I will spin Carrie Do Wrong’s Wheel of Misfortune, and divine the BEST BAD ADVICE for your predicament. No question to large or too small! Simply send me your question, and I’ll send you a short answer and the corresponding Tarot card.