Celebrate the New Moon in Cancer by Cleaning Out Your Psychic Junk Drawer
a SOUL FLOSS workout by Dr. MLE | Beach Witch
Welcome to Cleaning Out Your Psychic Junk Drawer!
Not all New Moons are made equal and this Friday’s New Moon in Cancer (6:57 Eastern/3:57 pm Pacific) is a potent beacon of connection, beauty, relationships, sweetness, nourishment, and fresh starts!!!
Nothing in the sky is interfering with this new moon, and nothing can interfere with the seeds it inspires you to plant!
Because the Moon is at home in Cancer and Venus is nearby, it’s a prime time to, as radical astrologer Chani Nicholas advises, “set intentions for the reality you most want to conjure, then amp up your dedication to self-care.” Anything we do or commit to during this New Moon will be imbued with extra sweetness!
Friday’s New Moon is thus an excellent invitation/excuse to:
Remember the power of nourishing yourself!
Remember how differently you show up when you have take the time to care for yourself and show up feeling good!
Harness the power of ritual to make the world a more delightful and more just place!
Some classic strategies include taking a moon bath, brewing a new moon tea, crafting a new moon affirmation, and/or cleansing your space—literally, emotionally, physically, and metaphysically!
Because this particular New Moon imbued with the nourishing waters of Cancer and brimming with LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, I invite you to experiment with one of iconic conceptual artist Yoko Ono’s six Cleaning Pieces, or create a Cleaning Piece of your own!
These simple self-help rituals are powerful invitations to clean out and declutter your psychic space, clearing your body of stuck psychic energy that isn’t serving you.
This way, you can plant the seeds of Your Next Great Project with a spiritually clean slate, fostering more delight and more justice in the world—for yourself, for your family, for your friends, and, yes, even for your foes!
Try a Cleaning Piece for 28 days.
See how you change.
See how the world changes.
I’m a Cancer Sun, so this is my NEW MOON and I just embarked a NEW CAREER with my FIRST CORPORATE GIG, so I’m going ALL CHEESE, ya’ll!
And that’s all for now!
You can access the rest of my alchemical FLOSS rituals here on Substack, and all of my transformative SAUCE workouts on Youtube.
Please join me: in reclaiming the power that is RIGHTFULLY YOURS!
xxxO, Dr. MLE | Beach Witch
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Order a Tarot RX: a six-card reading that includes a Major Arcana card to help you to set an intention/make a commitment, followed by five Minor Arcana that translate into a five-step formula for translating your intention/commitment into ACTION! You’ll receive a digital file with your Tarot RX and pictures of the cards from my favorite Tarot decks, along with a brief meditation and instructions for maximizing your results.
Contact the Tarot Hotline, and order a voice memo to clarify a Tarot spread you’ve done for yourself or someone else. Simply send me a picture of a Tarot spread you’ve done for yourself or someone else, and I’ll send you a 20-minute voice memo interpretation of the messages I see.
Ask a question and get some of the World’s Best Bad Advice. Send me whatever’s on your mind, I will spin Carrie Do Wrong’s Wheel of Misfortune, and divine the BEST BAD ADVICE for your predicament. No question to large or too small! Simply send me your question, and I’ll send you a short answer and the corresponding Tarot card.