Abundance for All | The Santa Chani | Apple Manifestation Variation
a three-step SOUL FLOSS workout by Dr. MLE | Beach Witch
Welcome to Abundance for All | the Santa Chani | Apple Manifestation Variation.
Using accessible ingredients from your pantry, this sweet, easy and affordable ritual manifests abundance for all! In ten quick steps you’ll generate wealth, generosity, and connection—the kind that leads to collective liberation!
I’ve crafted this Soul FLOSS ritual in honor of my private poetry holiday, Emily Kruse Day, which I’ve been celebrating every June 13 for the last 20+ years. (Emily Kruse is my birth name.)
Baby, Emily Kruse me.
That’s right, ya’ll! You, too, can celebrate your own private holiday. These are special sauce anniversaries in which we reconnect with the wonder, curiosity, hope, optimism, and naïveté of childhood, in which we resurrect the parts of ourselves we have forgotten to remember, and in which we celebrate our messy, paradoxical, counterintuitive selves!
My personal holiday happens to coincide with a national poetry prize, a letter to the editor, and neon yellow placements. Circa small town Midwest, 1996.
Overachiever teen me, receiving a poetry award.
I’m 17 and I’ve just won a national poetry award with a $1000 cash prize. I live in a small town known for its state champion basketball team, who regularly rides on fire trucks through downtown. In hopeful fervor, Harvard graduate and local truck driver Bob Bogue pens an opinion piece for the local newspaper, the Quincy Herald Whig, advocating for student artists like me. Bob writes:
“How about it, Mr. Mayor? Emily just brought us a national title. Can we expect to see her name on a little green sign at the city limits? A proclamation of appreciation? Emily Kruse Day? Quincy businessmen, Emily T-shirts? An Emily burger? A poet’s corner?”
In my honor, the mayor declares June 3 Emily Kruse Day, I attend a City Council meeting to receive the official proclamation, and all that summer all the local Pizza Huts feature my poem on special, neon yellow placemats.
I am 17, and I am mostly mortified.
Knee high by the fourth of July My grandfather always said, And the golden ears of corn Would sway in the summer sun. Wait, child, he would say. Each day he plucked An ear from the rustling stalk And ground the kernels Between his teeth— Not yet, child, he would say, And smile, Crinkling his creased, brown face, It is not dry enough. So we would wait, Wait, Until the air was filled With the crackling of parched corn. The combine would emerge From the musty barn, Startling the lazy cats Basking in thin rays of sunlight. Slowly the rows of corn would disappear, And my grandfather Would return from the fieldsIn the twilight of the night, Weary and dusty. And when the corn was gone, With it went the golden days of summer. In each ear there lay memories Of those days Of freedom and carelessness. Each glorious month Was stored in a bin, To remind us of those happy days Until we could once again Fling away all cares And run wild and free through the corn.
Me, my sisters, and my grandpa, in the farmhouse living room.
(You can read the whole story about poetry awards, Pizza Hut placemats and careless summers online at Ms. Magazine, in my article To Fight the ‘War on Woke,’ We Need Poetry and Poets.)
I love love love to embarrass myself with this nostalgia-drippy poem, oozing in a past my future self doubts ever existed.
My grandfather’s farm.
This is why writing is one of the few superpowers we have as human beings, ya’ll!
When you are a writer, you never forget yourself—even and especially the parts of yourself you left out in order to fit in. Even and especially the parts of yourself you forgot how to remember.
All of my selves—even and especially my messy, paradoxical, counterintuitive selves who made a mistake, or slipped up, or lost, or made difficult decisions for the right and wrong reasons (like dropping out of medical school to be a poet)—are immortalized in verse. In a culture that prioritizes forgetting, this is such a beautiful superpower, ya’ll!
Me & my dog Calie, circa OG Emily Kruse Day.
I have celebrated Emily Kruse Day in lots of ways over the last 20+ (!!!) years. My favorite involved custom purple T Shirts with Tattoo-style tie-dye lettering, five-pin bowling, vegan Chinese Buddhist cuisine, and Artillery Punch!
This year I’m manifesting ABUNDANCE FOR ALL, via a sweet, accessible and affordable spell that generates instant wealth, generosity, and connection—the kind that leads to collective liberation!
And I’m delighted to invite you to join me.
June 13th is the specific date of Emily Kruse Day, in case you want to synchronize your magic with me. Please invite all of your selves, even and especially the parts of yourself you left out in order to fit in!
And, voilà!
Here’s the Santa Chani | Apple Manifestation Variation | Abundance for All
You’ll need about 15 minutes for this ritual and an environment that allows you to do your work. A space that allows you to focus and energetically connect and manifest your intentions in a relaxed, easeful, and open way.
And remember, if you’re short on time or an ingredient, it’s okay to skip it or to substitute or really just spin the whole thing in a direction that feels even better for you.
My instructions are just a jumping off point.
Everything is 100% customizable.
(Curious about the missing Step #11? When the apple rots, compost it in a garden, or the earth, or leave it a crossroads, or dispose of it in a graveyard or at a church or gym or hospital. Or do what I did and throw it as high as you can into your favorite body of water!)
That’s all for now, babes!
You can access the rest of my alchemical FLOSS rituals here on Substack, and all of my transformative SAUCE workouts on Youtube.
Please join me: in reclaiming the power that is RIGHTFULLY YOURS!
xxxO, Dr. MLE | Beach Witch
In addition to being an award-winning poet, I also used to be a French hornist.
The work and research I put into this Soul Sauce + Floss are entirely reader-supported. If you enjoy the content I provide and are not ready to become a paid subscriber, you make a one-time tip. If you can. I appreciate each one of you who follows Soul SAUCE + FLOSS. You all truly make it into a magical little online community. Thank You.
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